On 4/6/07, Ismael Valladolid Torres <ivalladt@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Chuckk Hubbard escribe:
> > Schoenberg used lots of harmony. He wrote a textbook on harmony. His
> > atonal systems even had some highly-developed ways of using harmony.
> Not exactly. According to one colleague in other mailing list, he
> wrote the most advanced textbook on harmony ever written.
> Obviously if you use the twelve notes, some of them will sound
> harmonically in any moment.
We looked at a Schoenberg piece in freshman theory where he used a
three-note tone row over and over again in both melodic and harmonic
forms. None of the harmonies violated it. I believe it was 0, 1, 4.
I don't recall the piece, but it was pretty strict. The tone row was
not merely a melodic rule. The harmonic rules of his system may not
have been tonal, but they existed.
-- http://www.badmuthahubbard.com _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/linux-audio-userReceived on Fri Apr 6 20:15:01 2007
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