One of the 'Duets in Odd Meter' was used as an interval signal for a
pirate radio station in New England... the station was short lived of
course :-)
I'm glad you replied... I was beginning to feel very errr... old... <heh>
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, david wrote:
> Vince Werber wrote:
>> Silence ehhh??? That could be a windfall of bux...
>> I am sure that copyright of silence would include every CD that has
>> 'silence' between any grouping of different tunes... There IS money to be
>> made here!!! So much for the 'art factor' of such things...
>> Was it too long ago when a 9th chord was considered 'way out there' even in
>> jazz??? It wasn't all that long ago but today a jazz piece without a 9th
>> would be considered odd... hmmmm... what makes that...?
>> Let's all make music in pure sine waves... I know it has been done but has
>> it been taken to it true point of the art???
>> Has anyone every heard and album by Dick Hymen on the synth? It was on
>> Command records and in the 60's if I remember correctly. I enjoyed that
>> album but it failed in commecial circles so I guess it must be art...
> IMHO, it failed in commercial circles for a couple of reasons:
> * No one singing (that seems to be a near-unanimous requirement for
> commercial success)
> * Outside of The Minotaur, the songs are nice but not particularly standing
> out.
>> He also used scales that broke down our common worldly scales into much
>> smaller pieces...
> Yes, I have that album here. It's called Moog. He didn't use many unusual
> scales in it, although I recall one piece in which the notes in the scale
> were a fifth apart. Also, he finishes the album with three short pieces
> grouped under the title of "Duets in Odd Meters," where he was doing things
> with uncommon meters.
> Keith Emerson played "The Minotaur" as part of his extended solo on ELP's
> live album, "Welcome Back, My Friends, to the Show That Never Ends." He never
> gave credit to Hyman, rude fellow.
> --
> David
> gnome@email-addr-hidden
> authenticity, honesty, community
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