On Sunday 08 April 2007, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> On 4/8/07, David Baron <d_baron@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > So am I, sort of. Grew up in the 60s. Woodstock. The whole hippie scene.
> > I loved Hendricks, though I was more a "folkie". He and all the others
> > that took tremendous talent and used it for vulgar (and narcotic) things
> > all ended the same. What a tremendous and horrid pity. What a waste.
> >
> > Enjoy Zappa. This does not mean using cheap or foul language in a public
> > forum about Linux and music which has members of all ideas and
> > backgrounds, does it?
> I was actually not thinking of Zappa's music (you must know that he
> was narcotic-free). I was thinking of some of his publicly broadcast
> arguments with do-gooders during the Tipper fiasco. Even face-to-face
> he let them have it.
Must have been cool!
> You misspell Hendrix and call him vulgar. lol thanks for your opinion.
I did not call Hendrix (yes, spelling counts) vulgar. I said that many great
talents used their talent in a vulgar manner and the consequences were in
fact that we no longer have the talents with us today.
> David Crosby is miraculously still alive. He had that folk sound
> down, but he did more drugs than... well anyone, AFAIK.
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