Arnold Krille wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 10. April 2007 schrieb Robin Gareus:
>> Dmitry Baikov wrote:
>>> On 4/10/07, Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>> PCMCIA is ok, but not great for low latency. (adds one extra interface
>>>> between PCI bus & sound-card). - the cheap solution is to get a PCMCIA
>>>> card for your hard-disk - instead of using the built-in firewire for the
>>>> disk. - maybe you want to do that anyway. use the built-in firewire to
>>>> an external audio-device and the PCMCIA for storage.
>>> Quite the opposite.
>>> PCMCIA is great for latency. That "extra" PCI bridge does NOT affect
>>> audio latency.
>>> Firewire latencies are bigger than PCI/PCMCIA and will always be. Ask
>>> Pieter Palmers for details.
>> good point. now I start to remember the protocol mess and overhead of
>> 1394 audio. - and hope I'll forget about it again soon.. ;)
> No, you remember the mess from 1394-detection. Protocol-overhead allows 2x64
> here with my presonus firepod...
The streaming protocol doesn't introduce problems with respect to
latency. The mess is indeed the detection procedure.
> And ppalmers stated that firewire will be much better than netjack because of
> fixed latency and guaranteed bandwidth and reaction time.
Compared to netjack we will totally rule :). But that's not for the next
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Received on Tue Apr 10 16:15:04 2007
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