On 4/10/07, Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Spencer Russell wrote:
> > Hrm, this is problematic. I'd just about settled down to the idea of
> > either the Presonus Firepod of the Edirol FA-66, but if there's no way
> > to get them portable power,
> you could get or build an adapter. USB-power + 4pin 1394 to 6pin 1394.
I thought about that, but according to [1], Firewire supplies 30V! Can
anyone confirm this? USB only provides 5V, so it would take more than
just an adapter to step up the voltage.
[1] http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5102-6349-5826975.html
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Received on Wed Apr 11 04:15:03 2007
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