Am Mittwoch, 11. April 2007 schrieb Robin Gareus:
> If your guitar has a built-in pick up, record it as well. adding *a
> little* of those other mics will greatly improve the ambience of many
> home- recordings!
I tried that on the first track of guitar we recorded. The line-signal is very
good for stage-use but in the studio (ie. my living room) compared to mic
signals from the tube-mic or one of my condensors its just noisy crap...
My next step was to use the condensor at the hole in the corpse with 30-40cm
distance and the tube-mic at the neck.
But after some more track we went for just the tube-mic positioned at 30-40cm
distance from the point where the corpse goes into the neck and aimed a bit
at the hole. Gives a wonderful sound with concert acoustics and western
acoustics (ovation and others)...
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