Apropos the discussion that happened at the end of LAC about having some
sort of Linux Audio event in the US, perhaps a presence of
linuxaudio.org or some other group could be arranged for this or future
I didn't get a chance to talk to the Trinity guy who triggered the
discussion ... does anyone know if he reads this list (and what his
name is)?
-Eric Rz.
----- Forwarded message from "David A. Cafaro" <dac@email-addr-hidden> -----
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:54:13 -0400
From: "David A. Cafaro" <dac@email-addr-hidden>
Subject: Re: [Novalug] LinuxWorld info [Fwd: .org Pavilion Call for Papers
Now Open]
To: NOVALUG <novalug@email-addr-hidden>
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.8.3 (2.8.3-2.fc6)
Just realized the links didn't go with it. Here is the .org online form:
On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 09:49 -0400, David A. Cafaro wrote:
> I thought some of you might be involved with projects that would be
> interested in getting a free booth at LinuxWorld SF.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: LinuxWorld <linuxworldexpo@email-addr-hidden>
> Reply-To: linuxworldexpo@email-addr-hidden
> To: David Cafaro
> Subject: .org Pavilion Call for Papers Now Open
> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:41:11 -0700
> LinuxWorld Conference & Expo
> August 6 - 9, 2007
> Moscone Center
> San Francisco, CA
> Dear David,
> Interested in LinuxWorld???s .org Pavilion? Fill out the Application
> Form!
> LinuxWorld Conference & Expo is looking for exhibitors for the .org
> Pavilion, our free-of-charge exhibit area for free software and open
> source projects. We're looking for projects that produce great software
> and can host an informative, helpful booth for our attendees.
> This year, we will be hosting an ???un-conference??? theater area adjacent
> to the pavilion. If you would like a larger venue for works in progress,
> Q & A sessions, demonstrations, and media, it's there for you.
> Projects use LinuxWorld Conference & Expo for many reasons: to answer
> questions from possible new users, to distribute copies of software, to
> solicit donations, and to sell project merchandise.
> If you have participated in the .org Pavilion at previous shows, you
> still need to re-apply for it this time.
> To submit for the .org Pavilion, please click here.
> Don't forget! Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are still available. Click
> here to submit.
Novalug mailing list
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