On 4/11/07, Bearcat M. Sandor <HomeTheater@email-addr-hidden-soul.com> wrote:
> I have that one and it is excellent. So why do some of the
> not-so-well-known outfits (Pagan's Mind, Deamons and Wizards) sound so
> bad, while bands like Tool soudn great? Nine Inch Nails is an example of
> great studio work, but then again i think Trent Reznor does his own work.
Some of that could be using less reputable/less experienced mastering
studios. Bands like Tool and NiN can probably afford the best (and
yes, Trent has gone independent so he has more control over things)
and be able to tell the mix and mastering engineers exactly what they
want. Some of the younger bands probably have no clue and the stuff is
just sent off without much input from the musicians. There is also the
dream many have to get played on the radio and there seems to be a
narrowly defined range of where radio friendly mastering is -- not
much panning, too much compression...
-- Brett
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden;
If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
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Received on Thu Apr 12 00:15:04 2007
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