Am Donnerstag, 12. April 2007 schrieb Lee Revell:
> On 4/11/07, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > "I hate compression. It makes everything sound like a beer commercial."
> > -- Steve Albini
> Great quote!
> I think compression is great for a few things like live rock vocals,
> when you have to fight multiple marshall stacks with an underpowered
> house PA...
Well, compressors/limiters are also great for not overloading your ADC while
getting good volumes in.
And they are unbeatable getting much more punch out of the electric bass. And
they provide power and steadiness in volume to the vocal tracks.
Live you can work without them (if not enough money) but in recording they
simply necessary. Even if you do no mastering...
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