Am Donnerstag, 12. April 2007 schrieb Juhana Sadeharju:
> Hello. Recently we had discussion on the mp3 players.
> Samsung YP-U2RZB player (70 euros) supports formats mp3, wma,
> ogg, wav, asf. The ogg must be the ogg vorbis etc format.
> What will happen if the player is plugged to Linux computer?
> Could I just copy the ogg files to player's disk
> ("cp *.ogg /mnt/player/") and all would work perfectly?
> Juhana
I own exactly that device, since around four months, and i am quite happy with
it, except the sound being a bit too bassy for my taste. It can also act as
ordinary usb stick.
It automounts as mass storage media and uses these directories:
"Music" (for your files), "system" (for generated playlists, settings and so
on, and "voice" for voice records from the builtin mic.
One weird thing: i have one .ogg file on the player, it is one of the great
songs by Dave Phillips found on,
that causes the player to stop and freeze/power down, then the only way to
wake it up is to reset it or to connect it to the computer...
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