Thanks everybody for all the feedback. I spent a lot of time lusting after
the km-184s, but I decided to try my luck with the matched pair Rode NT5s,
being that they cost quite a bit less. In combination with the digimax fs,
recording at 96khz, the results were pretty darn good. With headphones on I
could hear the whole neighborhood (at about 8PM on a friday, so there was
some stuff going on a few blocks away, dogs barking, and at least 5 cars
drove by.....)
Later, I sat about 20 feet behind the the mics that were facing the forest -
and recorded on guitar,
just to get a feel for what the relative levels were like in this decidedly
non-optimal scenario. (the above ogg is downsampled to 48khz, and I haven't
actually listened to it yet. Remember that it's supposed to be at a fairly
low volume).
So there are issues with the stereo mix (the cars going by are coming up 5
levels of "S" up the mountain, then going behind the house, and up the
mountain) which is due to mic placement. I want to get a spacious - for
speakers - recording rather than a headphone one... I'm not sure what my mic
spacing or pointage should be like in that case with a cardioid pattern like
the NT5s have.
Also have issues with even the slightest wind, not sure what to do about
All I have to do next is set my alarm for 4AM, clear out some disk space,
put the mics below my peach tree, and see what dawn sounds like.
Recorded about 8 hours of forest in ardour2 with only a single xrun....
-- Mike Taht PostCards From the Bleeding Edge
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Apr 14 12:15:01 2007
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