ok I have simply used the normal play mode for the open hit hat, so I can
adjust it like I want.
2007/4/15, Florent Berthaut <hitmuri@email-addr-hidden-log.org>:
> Mysth-R a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > I am trying Tapeutape, and I like this soft, it is very powerful.
> > Using it with seq24 is a good way for making live performances.
> > A GUI mode for configuring our layer, and drumkit should be very very
> > interresanting. perhaps in the next realeses?
> > I have got some question too :
> > is there anyway configuring "Cut" and "By" to cut a sound with another
> > sound : for example : the Open Hit Hat with the Closed Hit Hat ?
> Hi , i'm really happy to learn that you find it useful.
> Yes the configuration GUI will be in the next release, and the cut/by
> between instruments of a kit too.
> For now you can for example have a hi-hat instrument with the closed
> hi-hat sample velocities ranging from 0 to 100 and the opened hi-hat
> sample ranging from 101 to 127 and cut=1 and by=1. This way , when you
> play a note with a velocity of 127 (opened hi-hat) and then the same
> note with a velocity of 100 (closed hi-hat) , the first sound will be
> stopped.
> So it would look like this
> <instrument name="hi-hat" minnote="20" maxnote="32" rootnote="20"
> channel="10" cut="1" by="1" output="cymbales" volume="0.1" pan="0.5"
> pitch_over_range="false">
> <variation minveloc="0" maxveloc="100" sample="closed.flac"/>
> <variation minveloc="101" maxveloc="127" sample="opened.flac"/>
> </instrument>
> This is how i use it for now.
> Thanks for the feedback and don't hesitate if you have any other
> questions.
> Regards,
> Flo
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