Gregoire Banderet wrote:
> Hello,
> We are at the design phase of a new embedded product based on a PowerPC
> and Linux.
> The device should have an audio output and an audio input, if possible
> with a HW compression (MP3) and if possible with an USB interface.
> Is there such device supported (with a working driver) by Linux?
not that I know of. but if FPGA's are an option it could be built
easily ;)
USB-Audio is a very distinct standard and merging it with raw mp3/ogg
data i/o is IMHO not a good idea!
There are drivers and software for mp3-decoder hard/firm-ware (eg ) - shared/locked memory is an issue on embedded devices,
and USB makes this even worse..!
I think the cheapest solution is to just /connect/ the
mp3-de/encoder/player output to a general purpose dsp & mixer chipset
and have them be two separate [usb] devices..
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 17 20:15:02 2007
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