> Sea Call is a highlight. It's just the drums that don't quite cut it.
> Oriental is interesting, but could be a bit more homogeneous.
Yes, Oriental was composed in half an hour some days ago. I still did
not give a lot of attention to it. But sound quality is better that in
other pieces I think.
> Having listened to all 20 in a row, I can't keep them all apart now ...
> there are places with overly sharp and glassy sounds that are a tiny
> bit over the edge between pleasantly clear to painfull to the ears
> (well, my ears).
I agree :-)
> Maybe you work and function very differently from me ... but if not,
> you should pick one track and pull it through or you will never be
> able to call anything finished. While nothing ever has to be finished,
> being able to put if off the table is relieving, I think :)
> --
> Thorsten Wilms
Here is the point! In fact, I just like to play, to express myself, my
daily feelings. It is very hard for me to actually start really
working on some tracks. Putting them online is the first step towards
that process. I want them to be better, continued, finalized..but I
cannot find the motivation! This is sad ! haha. It is kind of boring
to work on an existing song. But I have to do that.
How do YOU work?
I think I need a kind of project to motivate me. Like somebody wants
me to compose a track for a movie or event..That way, I would know I
have to do it well..hoping this would not affect my
imagination..Probably I'll propose my 'services' in art schools..
Any good idea to progress and make work?
aaaa, a point is that I don't really like bands..in fact I like to
play in bands but I can't manage to perform well with other
people..because of the kind of music I think..
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Received on Wed Apr 18 00:15:02 2007
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