Thorsten Wilms skrev:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 03:11:11PM -0400, julien bodd wrote:
>>> Hey, that's pretty cool! Maybe we should do one like that. People
>>> could upload beats, bass, guitar, synth, vox, backup vox, etc. At the
>>> end different people mix it in different ways, all made with Linux.
>>> Anybody game for this?
>> Of course I game for this ! We should investigate how is that
>> practically feasible.
>> First of all, who has to share something he would like others to complement?
> I would have material. If the number of individuals posting music
> here from time to time is an indicator, there won't be much.
> ccmixter sadly doesn't allow share-alike licensing, don't know how
> other such sites treat licensing.
> You can upload tarballs to If you want a collaborative
> project, just do it, don't wait for perfect fit infrastructure.
> Getting such a site up and _keeping_ it running is quite a task
> and so far there's hardly enough interest/man-power for documentation/
> apps/community pages ...
I think you're right unfortunately. However I think this is something
that will grow. As a music educator I know all these students frustrated
with the lack of possibilities to test their arrangements on real
musicians, and students looking for alternative settings to play in.
There are a few major problems in this though: institutions usually have
a very set and conservative structure where most teachers know only a
few things - but very well. And - there is as you point to - no viable
easily accessible way to collabrate via the internet. There is something
for a live cd to set uo:-) A cd every student can bring home, plug in
their guitar and lay down the track fr Joe composers rough track.
Ah - what do I know. I would probably find time to participate myself.
Sounds mighty swell in my opinion!
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Received on Thu Apr 19 00:15:05 2007
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