Re: [LAU] my CD-R sounds weak and bland. What to do?

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 19 2007 - 02:47:58 EEST

Charles Linart wrote:
> The buffer size is already 1024
> How do I, "bypass all the stages of JAMin?" I don't even know what
> that means. Sorry for my ignorance.

different "processing stages" in jamin:
 input -> EQ -> compressor -> limiter -> output

the "displayed" spectrum can be selected in the prefs.

click on the checkboxes labled "bypass"

3 of them for each compressor band. and the one for the Limiter are at
the bottom of the screen.

the EQ bypass is just below the EQ-canvas in the middle of the screen.

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Received on Thu Apr 19 04:15:08 2007

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