You should certainly look for a chipset that's AHCI compliant: you'll
get tagged commands (like SCSI) for free with a supported drive.
You'll likely find that the controller will be better supported too.
On 4/18/07, Dan Easley <daneasley@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> A while back I bought a SiI3112 PCI SATA card and hooked four 300gig
> hard drives to it - worked fine. Later on, my roommate bought some
> 400gig hard drives, and we had major trouble with them - the drives
> would appear locked up a few gigs into a big file transfer. We ended
> up using them in a windows box, where they worked fine.
> Now I'm in the market for a brand new computer, that I'd like to throw
> some 500gig sata drives in. Has anyone had any experience using
> really big drives like that with onboard sata controllers? If so,
> what brand/chipset drive/motherboards are you using? (feel free to
> reply privately if you think this will degenerate into advertisements)
> --
> daneasley@email-addr-hidden
> dan@email-addr-hidden dan@email-addr-hidden
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