On Wed, 18 Apr 2007, Ken Restivo wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 05:30:29PM -0700, Tim Howard wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was just thinking it would be really great if someone (with
>> programming skills several notches higher than my own) could JACKify
>> Beatrix. Now, I realize that Beatrix is not GPL'd software, so it
>> doesn't have anywhere near the community interest that it COULD
>> have... <ahem>
>> ...
>> Any thoughts?
> Have a look in the archives. This was discussed recently.
I do have an interest in making Beatrix more suited for plug-in
environments, but it is a long road. The main issues that concern an
adaptation are (in no particular order):
* The system sample rate is more or less fixed at 22.05 KHz.
* The system buffer size is set at compile-time.
* Dynamic memory is considered not to be a problem and is not released
when free (this is not a leak - it just remains allocated but unused).
* There is no support for shutdown/unloading.
* The reverb FX hogs the cpu due to denormal numbers.
* The rotary speaker FX has a flaw for which two fixes exist: either
a huge lookup table or additional cpu cycles. Which is most
* There is no real user interface and for portability there is no UI
service interface.
Further, to take full advantage of plug-in environments the overdrive,
reverb and rotary effects should probably be broken out of the main chain.
This creates a conflict with the current configuration mechanism which of
course assumes that they are integrated. This is probably a secondary
issue, since as independent FX units they need their own and independent
control surfaces anyway.
Fredrik Kilander | email: fk@email-addr-hidden
Dpt. of Computer and Systems Sciences | gsm: +46 (0)70 371 31 53
Forum 100 | land: +46 (0)8 16 16 02
S-164 40 KISTA | www: http://www.dsv.su.se/~fk
SWEDEN | skype: fredrik.kilander
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Received on Fri Apr 20 12:15:06 2007
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