James Stone wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 04:49:50AM +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> James Stone wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:48:10PM +0200, Sebastian Gutsfeld wrote:
>>>> Hi James,
>>>> "James Stone" <jamesmstone@email-addr-hidden> writes:
>>>>> Does anyone know of a linux based synth that emulates the sound of the
>>>>> C64 SID chip? I would love to use that sound in some pieces, but I
>>>>> have never been able to find anything very usable.
>>>>> Perhaps something could be used from the libsid/libsidplay libraries??
>>>> Sidplay2 uses ReSID for sound emulation. There are two other programs I
>>>> know of that use this library:
>>>> * Goattracker (http://cadaver.homeftp.net) but you have to be familiar
>>>> with a tracker interface and some SID internals
>>>> * VICE C64 emulator (http://www.viceteam.org)
>>>> Try Paul Slocum's Cynthcart (http://qotile.net/cynthcart.html) or the
>>>> good old JCH editor (http://chordian.dk/files.htm?c64) with its cool
>>>> polyplay mode for realtime play on the computer keyboard.
>>>> Another option is Legasynth
>>>> (http://www.reduz.com.ar/cheesetronic/index.php?section=4), but I don't
>>>> think this sounds very close to a real SID.
>>> Thanks for these suggestions.. They all sound quite sensible. I
>>> will look into them all.. sound like nice ways to generate good
>>> samples.
>>> Legasynth is closer to what I was envisaging though.. Although I
>>> have never managed to build it successfully.. I keep going back
>>> to it thinking "I've been using Linux for 6/7/8/9.. years now.. I
>>> _must_ be able to get it to work now" but with no success..
>> hi james,
>> me also trying to get legasynth working for longer now, but this thread
>> moved me to try one more time and see:
>> http://home.jps.net/~musound/LegaSynth-0.4.1gcc33.tar.gz
>> here you get the version which is patched to compile with gcc-3.3 and
>> that works here.
>> all i did was to adjust that /usr/bin/cpp, gcc and g++ are showing to
>> the versions 3.3 and than running configure enabling jack - thats all.
> OK I get this error on configure:
> checking for libsigc++ - version >= 1.0.1... 1.0.4
> checking if libsigc++ sane... no
> configure: error: Cant find libsigc++!
> Any ideas?
> James
try to get any older version of libsigc++, or try running configure with
the '--disable sigc check'.
have a look at 'configure --help' for getting the exactly
disable-sigc-test option.
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