James Stone wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 11:51:20AM +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> James Stone wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 04:49:50AM +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>>>> James Stone wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 05:48:10PM +0200, Sebastian Gutsfeld wrote:
>>>>>> Hi James,
>>>>>> "James Stone" <jamesmstone@email-addr-hidden> writes:
>>>>>>> Does anyone know of a linux based synth that emulates the sound of the
>>>>>>> C64 SID chip? I would love to use that sound in some pieces, but I
>>>>>>> have never been able to find anything very usable.
>>>>>>> Perhaps something could be used from the libsid/libsidplay libraries??
>>>>>> Sidplay2 uses ReSID for sound emulation. There are two other programs I
>>>>>> know of that use this library:
>>>>>> * Goattracker (http://cadaver.homeftp.net) but you have to be familiar
>>>>>> with a tracker interface and some SID internals
>>>>>> * VICE C64 emulator (http://www.viceteam.org)
>>>>>> Try Paul Slocum's Cynthcart (http://qotile.net/cynthcart.html) or the
>>>>>> good old JCH editor (http://chordian.dk/files.htm?c64) with its cool
>>>>>> polyplay mode for realtime play on the computer keyboard.
>>>>>> Another option is Legasynth
>>>>>> (http://www.reduz.com.ar/cheesetronic/index.php?section=4), but I don't
>>>>>> think this sounds very close to a real SID.
>>>>> Thanks for these suggestions.. They all sound quite sensible. I
>>>>> will look into them all.. sound like nice ways to generate good
>>>>> samples.
>>>>> Legasynth is closer to what I was envisaging though.. Although I
>>>>> have never managed to build it successfully.. I keep going back
>>>>> to it thinking "I've been using Linux for 6/7/8/9.. years now.. I
>>>>> _must_ be able to get it to work now" but with no success..
>>>> hi james,
>>>> me also trying to get legasynth working for longer now, but this thread
>>>> moved me to try one more time and see:
>>>> http://home.jps.net/~musound/LegaSynth-0.4.1gcc33.tar.gz
>>>> here you get the version which is patched to compile with gcc-3.3 and
>>>> that works here.
>>>> all i did was to adjust that /usr/bin/cpp, gcc and g++ are showing to
>>>> the versions 3.3 and than running configure enabling jack - thats all.
>>> OK I get this error on configure:
>>> checking for libsigc++ - version >= 1.0.1... 1.0.4
>>> checking if libsigc++ sane... no
>>> configure: error: Cant find libsigc++!
>>> Any ideas?
>>> James
>> try to get any older version of libsigc++, or try running configure with
>> the '--disable sigc check'.
> Sorry.. my mistake.. I did not have g++-3.3 installed (just
> cpp-3.3 and gcc-3.3)!! (d'oh).
> I fixed that problem, then exported CC=gcc-3.3 CPP=cpp-3.3
> CXX=g++-3.3 and it builds fine!!!!
> James
i thank you too, cause your request moved me to one more time try to get
legasynth running and somehow i found this link in the web, but also as
i am reading now...
am i understanding right:
on my system there are gcc, cpp and g++ in /usr/bin which are pointing
at the versions 4.1 normally.
so if i want to change this temporarily i remove them and make new
symlinks to lets say v3.3, and later doing this backwards again.
so if i understand you, for temporarily changing this, i can use
'export CC=gcc-3.3 CPP=cpp-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3'
does the command line looks ok like this?
another thing i did not figured out is that i am able to load one of the
example patches, but how to configure the patches (patch config).
changing the parameters in that tab, the sound does not change here at all.
do you have any idea of how to do it?
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