Much to my excitement RME is releasing the HDSP AES-32 card ($795 US) and a
device that does just what you want: the ADI-8QS ($2648 US)
Bearcat M. Sandor
On Friday 20 April 2007 in an email titled "[LAU] Looking for AD converter"
Reuben Martin wrote:
>I helping a friend out who wants to put together a linux / ardour setup.
>However, the sound device he origionally suggested was RME's Fireface,
>which is a no-go.
>I'm having trouble finding a device with similar specs. Does anybody
>have any suggestions on devices that work with linux (alsa or freebob)
>that can handle the 192k sample rate, have at least 8 analog line
>level inputs (not concerned about preamps) and are in the same price
>There are lots of nice units out there, but finding something that can
>handle 192k kinda reduces the selection really quickly.
>The only others I could find that fit those factors were the Roland
>FA-101 (only 6 inputs when at 192k) and Apogees stuff (a bit on the
>pricy side). So I wanted to see if anybody knew of others that I
>didn't think of.
>Linux-audio-user mailing list
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Received on Sun Apr 22 00:15:02 2007
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