Has there ever been any demostrable differences between 16/44.1 and 24/96k?
> On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 22:07 -0500, Reuben Martin wrote:
>> I helping a friend out who wants to put together a linux / ardour setup.
>> However, the sound device he origionally suggested was RME's Fireface,
which is a no-go.
>> I'm having trouble finding a device with similar specs. Does anybody
have any suggestions on devices that work with linux (alsa or freebob)
that can handle the 192k sample rate, have at least 8 analog line level
inputs (not concerned about preamps) and are in the same price range?
>> There are lots of nice units out there, but finding something that can
handle 192k kinda reduces the selection really quickly.
> it will reduce your disk space even more rapidly, for no benefit that
has EVER been demonstrated in a double blind test. oh, it will also
increase the CPU load making super low latencies harder to achieve (and
perhaps impossible to achieve) until processor speeds increase 4 fold.
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