On 4/26/07, Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> The volume of a balloon bursting is still quite low compared to a gunshot.
> For the latter you need a blank pistol, gas pistols don't produce such a
> loud "bang".
> One other alternative to consider is to take along a portable radio or some
> such and use that as the speaker. Al it needs is a line input to connect to
> your computer. There are also small portable active speakers normally used
> with ipods and the like. You don't need a big speaker as the frequency response
> can be equalised later (Aliki will soon have this built-in). I'm pretty sure
> that even a small speaker with little power will give better results than any
> other method - just make the sweep long enough to compensate for the low level.
> Another trick to make life 'on the road' easier is that you do not need Aliki
> during the measurement. Export the first channel (F) of the sweep file, play
> it back with any player and record with any recording app. Back home convert
> the recorded WAV file into an .ald and put that in the 'capture' directory.
> I've a little app to do the conversion.
I'm guessing that the sweep is much easier and maybe more accurate
than the traditional gunshot (with which it maybe harder to get right,
a real dirac being impossible to physically reproduce). What do you
think ? Am I getting this wrong ?
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 27 12:15:02 2007
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