Re: [LAU] Linux stickers for laptop

From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 28 2007 - 10:37:10 EEST


as I am one of the 'young folks' (more or less) I will give some comments...

Am Samstag, 28. April 2007 schrieb Ken Restivo:
> I have just gotten the news that I've got another live show to play on May
> 19th.
> If things go well, instead of borrowing the guitar player's Korg Triton (as
> I had to do for the last show), I will be playing my new Linux laptop.

Congrats to both of these facts.

> I want to plant a huge Tux sticker right in the center of the laptop cover.
> It's a barebones so it has no markings of its own; I get to put on my own.
> I've seen a logo of Tux wearing headphones too, which I'd like to find.

While I think that Tux is cute and nice (I do have one on my keyring, a
Tux-base-cap and a Tux-tie) I don't think people will recognize its picture
especially if he is wearing a headphone.
We are talking about a stage here? Where flashing colored lights allow only
short views of the gear?
I would go for one of the single-color logos of, (its single-color-version
is at or the old one at

I am thinking (and planning) to spray paint the new single-color lad-logo on
my gear in the near future.

Another factor is coolness: Do you want everybody to recognize you as a nerd
just by seeing your linux-Tux (with some bad retouched headphone) or do you
want to undergo the nerdness-radar by using a cool, nice and more abstract
logo? I think (and hope) that in the later case more people will ask about
the meaning of that logo instead of just some freaks going to talk to you
about the latest tricks in their favorite window-manager (which they don't
really need because the manage just a bunch of xterms)...

> Where might I purchase stickers of this type, suitable for laptop
> application? I want to stand up and be proud, and "represent", as the young
> folks say these days.

Create a simple mask of the logo of your choice (I would go for the penguin of
linuxaudio in your case) and spray-paint it in white on your gear...

Have fun,


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