hey hey, thank u both. that's sweet coming from dp as my first realization
that there was something else out there for me was a trip to border's book
store and a surprise find of his linux sound and music book. w00t. thank u
both - now: as for the flute, i'm not sure where i got it. i think
freesound, soooo, ya, u can just find a flute somewhere like that and chop
it up like i did. meh...
also, i just wanted to say i put the individual session tracks in flac
format on archive.org. http://www.archive.org/details/everamzah-to_my_ear
and there's an ogg here, cause i forgot where i was:
i'm hoping some1 wants to collaborate, cause i want to add a bass line or
something maybe. it'd be the first time i actually ever went back to my
music and reworked it. usually i just move along, so this is nice for me.
thanks for the comments :D
On 4/27/07, Marco Milanesi <kpanic@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> hi James,
> > hellew. i made this song as part of a quixit (
> > http://r2h.org/doc/quixit-faq.txt). it's where ppl from em411.com get
> > together in irc and make a tune in an hour, hour and a half...
> > link: http://r2h.org/music/everamzah-to_my_ear.mp3
> really nice stuff!, I like the flute, is the patch available somewhere?
> thanks :)
> ciao,
> Marco
> --
> ,= ,-_-. =. ------------------------------------------------------- +
> ((_/)o o(\_)) jabber:kpanic@email-addr-hidden/msn:kpanic@email-addr-hidden |
> `-'(. .)`- #muppetslab@email-addr-hidden |
> \_/ The more I see, the less I know |
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