Is an arm and a leg under $130 USD?
I bought a pair of AKG k240 studio semi-open headphones (cans) a few
months ago, and I've been really happy with them.
I'm no expert; they were a huge improvement from anything I've used before.
The sound reproduction is nice. I can hear the (bad) noise my
soundcard/mobo spit out now. They have a very crisp "image"; I have to
look over my shoulder every once in a while, because the noises I hear
sound like they're in my room, not just my head.
They are very comfortable. Every once in a while I have to adjust them
because the top of my head gets itchy, but this is after hours of use.
They're very comfy on my ears, in particular.
They let plenty of sound in, and plenty gets out, too. Not sure if
this is what you want, but I think it's one reason they sound so nice;
no muffling. :)
The worst thing about them is the cable. It's 10 feet long, but the
sheath is very light rubber; I managed to tear it pretty easily (fixed
with electrical tape). It's detachable, but I think the connector is
I haven't had any other problems since then. Again, I'm no expert, but
I would definitely recommend them, they were a great deal.
I bought the k240's on, they ship free, but only inside
the US. There are plenty of other online retailers though, and these
are popular headphones.
On 4/30/07, Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm in dire need of a decent pair of headphones for real quality and
> comfort long-term listening while working on my music. my current set
> are literally falling apart - I've lost count of how many times I've
> re-cabled them!
> I'm also in need of lightweight earplugs for casual work. So far I've
> not found ones that will stay in place :(
> Can anyone suggest where I can get these (UK) without it costing an arm
> and a leg?
> --
> Will J G
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