On 5/1/07, audio-mobster <audio-mobster@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hello
> I did a rewrite of JackMiniMix.
> It's now called JackMixDesk has a configurable number of mono/stereo
> channels, pre and post sends, LASH support, a XML config file and an
> additional GTK interface which can be started on demand.
> Im working on a SVG knob widget to make the interface use less ram and
> I'm planning to implement MIDI support.
> If you have comments or find any bugs, please let me know.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jackmixdesk/
> Ulrich Lorenz Schlueter
Have you looked at the svg knobs (and not knobs) that thorwil is
designing on his site? http://thorwil.wordpress.com/ It would be great
if someone could implement these in phat. They are all done as svg's.
Be that someone! ;)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 1 04:15:05 2007
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