On 4/30/07, Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm in dire need of a decent pair of headphones for real quality and
> comfort long-term listening while working on my music. my current set
> are literally falling apart - I've lost count of how many times I've
> re-cabled them!
> I'm also in need of lightweight earplugs for casual work. So far I've
> not found ones that will stay in place :(
> Can anyone suggest where I can get these (UK) without it costing an arm
> and a leg?
> --
> Will J G
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I love the way my Grado SR60s sound ($60US), but I don't think they're
the most comfortable headphones in the world. Open back, too, so they
may not be appropriate if , e.g. you have mics nearby and use the
headphones for monitoring.
As for lightweight earplugs, do you mean actual earplugs or in-ear
monitors? I bought a pair of Etymotic Research ER-6 earphones for
something like $80. I wear them at work to drown out all the
background noise. Unfortunately, they're not that comfortable either,
since you have to jam them in your ear hole. The silicone 2-flange
eartips seem a little too big, so I use the foam one instead. Great
noise reduction, and decent sound too. No problems keeping them in
place, but vibrations from the wire (like if it hits your desk when
you lean forward) get transmitted into your ear so you have to secure
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Received on Tue May 1 16:15:02 2007
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