bernie arai wrote:
> On 4/30/07, *david* <gnome@email-addr-hidden <mailto:gnome@email-addr-hidden>>
> wrote:
> Awhile back, someone on the list was asking about an MP3 player type of
> thing that could also be used as a portable music recording device.
> An audiophile friend of mine has an iAudio LX5 or XL5 (something like
> that, I forget the last part of the model). It has a very very clean
> stereo line-in connection, and can record audio as FLAC or WAV. He's
> been using it to digitize his collection of vinyl albums. Tonight we
> listened to the digitized version of a performance of Handel's concerti
> grossi (the vinyl is over 40 years old). The digitized sound quality was
> marvelous.
> It works beautifully with Linux - just plug in the USB cable and his
> Linux systems see the 30GB hard drive with no problems.
> i have the x5 (less battery, 30gb) and recommend it highly as well. how
> does your friend get FLAC or WAV recording from the line in? i can only
> record to mp3. maybe i need a firmware update?
Sorry, I checked with my friend, and it only records MP3 from line in.
Here's what my friend said to me:
"That's true. The default for line in recording is a fixed, 128K stream.
You can bump that in increments to 320K. What you heard was a 320k
recording, edited in Audacity to remove some clicks, normalize the
volume, and then exported to WAV. I then used Lame with its "--preset
standard" to convert back to MP3. Typically, the conversion averages
around 200k. LPs use a higher bit rate than CDs (typically 20-30k), not
because they have more music information on them, but because Lame tries
to render the distortions of an LP accurately."
> my only gripes about the x5 are the limited way of browsing the
> collection (only a basic file browser) and the fact that you need to use
> an adapter/dongle for a line-in jack (and usb and power and line out).
My friend does all his browsing using Konqueror on his computer. I saw
the dongle, seemed like it was worth it to me for the quality. I think
without the dongle, you're limited to recording using the built-in mic?
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Wed May 2 00:15:02 2007
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