Apologies for cross-posting.
This is generally a nice conference (and an opportunity to visit Brazil).
Sao Paulo is a great city to visit.
>11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
>September 1-3 2007
>São Paulo - Brazil
>The Symposium
>The Brazilian symposia on computer music have consolidated the significance of
>Brazil's international position in the field of Computer Music. The 11th
>Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music is organized by NUCOM, the computer
>music branch of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), and it will be held
>in São Paulo from September 1st to 3rd, 2007.
>During the symposium there will be speeches by renowned researchers, technical
>and music paper sessions, discussion panels, and concerts. Researchers,
>scientists, composers, educators, manufacturers, and all concerned with the
>interplay between music and technology are invited to submit work. The
>will include, among others, a keynote speech and a workshop by Roger B.
>Dannenberg (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA).
>The program committee will give a prize for the best student papers presented
>at SBCM. Papers that have a student as a major author are eligible. Two awards
>will be given: one for the best technical paper and another for the best
>General Chairs: Fabio Kon (University of São Paulo)
> Fernando Iazzetta (University of São Paulo)
>Technical Papers Chair: Geber Ramalho (Federal University of Pernambuco)
>Music Papers Chair: Mikhail Malt (IRCAM/Sorbonne-Paris IV)
>Local Arrangements Chair: Marcelo Queiroz (University of São Paulo)
>June 3rd Full papers and posters submissions due
>July 15th Full papers and posters notification of acceptance
>July 30th Camera-ready version of papers and posters due
>The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to
>. Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization
>. Artificial Intelligence
>. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems
>. Audio Hardware design
>. Audio Digital Signal Processing
>. Computer-Aided Music Analysis
>. Computer-Aided Musical Education
>. Computer-Aided Musicology
>. Distributed Music
>. Internet and Web Applications
>. Multimedia Systems and Applications
>. Music Data Structures and Representation
>. Music Information Retrieval
>. Music Notation, Printing, and Optical Recognition
>. Quality of Service for Audio
>. Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modeling
>. Real-time Interactive Systems
>. Software Systems and Languages for Composition
>. Sound Synthesis
>Technical Program committee
>Adolfo Maia Jr. Universidade Estadual de Campinas
>Aluizio Arcela Universidade de Brasilia
>Andrew Horner The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
>Chris Chafe Stanford University
>Edilson Ferneda Universidade Católica de Brasília
>Eduardo Miranda University of Plymouth
>Emilios Cambouropoulous Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
>Fabio Kon Universidade de São Paulo
>Flávio Soares Silva Universidade de São Paulo
>François Pachet Sony Computer Science Laboratory
>Gérard Assayag IRCAM
>Geber Ramalho Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
>Giordano Cabral Université Paris 6
>Henkjan Honing University of Amsterdam
>Hugo de Paula PUC Minas
>Ian Whalley University of Waikato
>Jean-Pierre Briot CNRS - Université Paris 6 & PUC-Rio
>Jonatas Manzolli Universidade Estadual de Campinas
>Lelio Camilleri University of Bologna
>Luis Jure Universidad de la República
>Marcelo Pimenta Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
>Marcelo Queiroz Universidade de São Paulo
>Marcelo Wanderley McGill University
>Marcio Brandao Universidade de Brasilia
>Maurício Loureiro Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
>Oscar Di Liscia Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
>Palle Dahlstedt Göteborg University/Chalmers Univ. of Technology
>Peter Beyls Hogeschool Gent
>Petri Toiviainen University of Jyvaskyla
>Regis R. A. Faria Universidade de São Paulo
>Roger Dannenberg Carnegie Mellon University
>Rosa Viccari Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
>Sever Tipei University of Illinois School of Music
>Victor Lazzarini National University of Ireland
>Music Papers Program Committee
>Mikhail Malt (chair) IRCAM/Sorbonne-Paris IV
>Alexandre Lunsqui Columbia University, NY -USA
>Fernando Iazzetta Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
>Jonathas Manzoli UNICAMP, Brazil
>Karim Haddad IIRCAM, Paris-France
>Daniel Teruggi Ina-GRM, Paris- France
>Marc Battier Sorbonne-Paris IV, France
>Martin Supper Berlin University of the Arts, Germany
>Papers Submission
>Papers must be submitted in PDF format via the JEMS online system
>Technical papers, up to 12 pages long, are supposed to present original
>research with scientific contributions. Music papers, up to 12 pages long,
>describe the experience of composers and users of computational tools to
>produce music. Extended abstracts of posters, up to 4 pages long, should
>on-going research. Please carefully comply with instructions in publication
>templates. Papers which do not fulfill the requirements can not be published.
>Download files for manuscript preparation in accordance with the SBC
>from http://gsd.ime.usp.br/sbcm/2007/templates
>In order to get the paper published, it is required that at least one author
>register for the symposium by August 1st.
>More Information
>For further information, please visit the symposium home page at
>For questions regarding the technical papers, contact Geber Ramalho
>(glr at cin.ufpe.br), for music papers, contact Mikhail Malt
>(Mikhail.Malt at ircam.fr). For other inquiries contact the symposium general
>chairs Fernando Iazzetta (iazzetta at usp.br) or Fabio Kon
>(kon at ime.usp.br).
Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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