On Friday 04 May 2007 10:23, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 22:26 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> <snip>
> > If someone is viewing this post, perhaps they could let me know on which
> > linux distro they have got this synth to work.
> Just compiled it and got it working without a hitch on Ubuntu Feisty.
> Only problem is that it segfaults if jack isn't running. BTW Feisty also
> has freebob support and an optional low-latency kernel.
> > I've already been through all this sort of crap with Om. It needed all
> > the latest & greatest libraries to get it to install, and in the end I
> > gave up on it.
> That's a shame because Om is a really cool piece of software.
I'l have another look at Om. Distros are moving ahead using newer libraries,
and Om will probably build now on some of my later distros. I was mainly
wanting to try the drum machine that is a plugin for Om. Apologies to the
author. I've forgotten it's name.
> > If Phasex is going the same way, as good as it looks, I think I will pass
> > on it. It's too much hassle to install and run it.
> >
> > I would like to try this synth, as the the only synth we have at present
> > is ZynAddSubFx, putting aside the modular ones.
> What do you mean by that? Have you tried WhySynth?
Sorry. I'd neglected to include the dssi plugins, even though Whysynth,
Hexter, and Sineshaper are staring me in the face from the desktop.
> Jamie
Anyway. I've got to play Phasex, but only by ssh'ing from FC2 into the other
machine which has Phasex installed on Debian Etch, and FC5.
If I run it on the machine it's installed on it segfaults, but if I run it via
ssh from FC2, it works just fine. A bit weird, but at least I can use it.
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