Hello LAU,
JackLab is short before a beta1 of the openSUSE based JackLab Audio
Distribution (See some reviews about the alpha2 and winasio in DP's blog
http://www.linuxjournal.com/blog/800764 ) expected next week.
Our latest product is an installable livedvd (like
ubuntu) that is released finaly today.
We are mainly located in Europe, but we have a lot of US users. As we
NOT PAYED by Novell and we are a free and independent project of the
openSUSE community, we have to build up and pay most of the project
infrastructure by our own. In Germany, the gwdg.de is so kind to gives
us space for our software repositories for free. But this is the
only mirror worldwide.
With the realistic perspective, that JAD beta will really be a burner,
we urgently need some US mirrors!
This mirrors via rsync shall contain our full repository (InstallerDVD,
liveDVD, updates etc). Has anyone some space left?
Please email to me for further coordination!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed May 9 16:15:03 2007
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Wed May 09 2007 - 16:15:03 EEST