Any opinions on lmms ?
I haven't installed it yet, am only thinking about it. As with most,
I come from a Windows background where monolithic apps rules. But
then, I've been working with Linux for several years now and one thing
that's omnipresent - so far - in the Linux Way is modularity. Be it in
chaining small apps to get results (eg. cat bigFile | grep error) to
having a clear concern separation between functionality and user
And this is what I like with the actual state of most of the Linux
audio apps. Soemone makes a new synth ? Fine, we just use it through
jack. No encompassing large apps that tries, with various degrees of
flexibility, to do it all. Well, there must be some out there. Maybe
jokosher. And maybe lmms.
What I'd like to know, is that, from a 'techie' point of view that
feels that it's allright to use many X screens to have many apps
running at the same time, what is lmms bringing ? Is it only but a
Windows-inspired application ?
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon May 14 04:15:02 2007
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