Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
> wow. i haven't been teaching music for over 2 years now, but hearing
> those kids makes me wonder why... quite impressive, and very motivating.
> i've used ardour for teaching as well, but none of my students has
> caught on using linux unfortunately. but at least those who make their
> own recordings do it with audacity under windows.
Thank you for your kind comments, Joern. I must admit that I do love
teaching, sometimes I think I get more from it than the students. :)
I've had one or two students contemplate Linux, but most of them stay
with Windows versions of things like Audacity or Solfege. Some of them
have become habitual users of Audacity, especially for its Change Tempo
One of my students is now at the Art Institute of Chicago, he says that
MAX/MSP is the reigning environment but Pd is making real headway among
students, ditto for Linux generally. Good to hear.
Btw: Yes, if you learn the ostinato for the other piece then I swear
I'll make it to Cologne next year. Deal ?
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed May 16 04:15:01 2007
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