Ken Restivo wrote:
>I now have a directory full of music I've downloaded from this list, or from various IRC channels. I often read lists or IRC while waiting for an export to finish, or a software package to compile, or a Rosegarden MIDI track to get dumped into Ardour, or listening to other music. So I just dl the file, and then listen to it later. Sometimes *much* later.
>And I have no idea who made it, or who to praise for it.
>I just listened to one called "meditation-improv.ogg" which was fantastic. I loved it.
Hi Ken,
I'm definitely the guilty party for that one. Btw, did you hear the
version with the added environmental sounds or just the guitars ? The
latest version of that piece is available here if anyone else wants to
listen :
I might do a little more to it yet.
> Also one called "adagio.ogg" which sounded like old Tangerine Dream messing around with an Arp string machine.
Not sure about that one, could you send it to me via email or post it
somewhere ? I'll know right away if it's one of mine.
>Whomever did those, great stuff! And, it'd be great if you put metadata tags in your ogg/mp3 files, so that others can know who to credit. It's free advertising for you if the stuff gets forwarded around too.
You're right, it's a good idea, I'll start tagging my files.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed May 16 16:15:05 2007
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