you can post your album in http://www.jamendo.com it's free, but you have to
distribute your album under Creative Commons licence.
also you have mp3.com
you can visit my pages to see how it is :
2007/5/18, lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>:
> Folks,
> Surely this question was asked before. Recebtly there was a short
> thread about archive.org which proposed other sites where music can be
> uploaded. They all looked pretty fancy to me who is not doing that
> much with music. I'd just like to know of some place where it is
> possible to upload some music files to share. I don't want to make a
> career nor do I have a promo for an album. I don't even finish the
> toons I start. You know, a just for fun type of thing. Free. And
> possibly withotu any small-letter clause that says that once uploaded
> the coyrights of the toon is given to the site operators.
> Are there any places like these ? If you know any, please let me
> know.
> Cheers,
> Al
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