> I mean, what would a 'newcomer' do just after buying a DVD 5.1 system
> for his/her living room ? Would we immediately think that this person
> will be lost connecting it to his/her TV, as well as connecting the
> speakers and cable ?
> I think that the 'newcomer' stereotype is defined on the low side. And
> being defined that way, it does not push forward any notion that is not
> more complicated than connecting home theatre components together.
i agree. To me, coming more from the hardware-side connecting tapedecs,
turntables mixers and effect-racks, not ever having used any audio
software before starting with linux three years ago, the concept of
interconnecting small apps is much more intuitive than anything
monolithic like lmms or rosegarden.
I had a look at those and quickly returned to connecting seq24 with zyn,
nekobee, ardour and others.
just one opinion from one newcomer, there might be different kinds of them.
> 'newcomer' level, of components that have to be conencted together.
> It's just that it hasn't been done yet. And as far a Linux is
> concerned, and me, the inter-communication is not yet mature enough.
> Heck, I can't even get lash going on my FC6 x86_64 SMP machine, not to
> mention which apps actually supports lash and to what extent.
lash is on its way, and i am looking forward to the NEAR future when
ingen, ardour, zyn, seq24, dssi, lv2 save their states with one click!
it'll be a pleasure, and at that point linux audio will be absolutely
newbie-ready, as well as musician-ready - IMHO far more than
apple/windows, as many musicians are used to that interconnecting
concept, and those migrating to linux from other platforms are by far
not the only newcomers out there!
(olpc -
Until then we'll have fun compiling code and writing nice little scripts
- still many musicians wont want to do this.
that necessity at least led me to quite a bit of computer knowledge --
me very grateful for that, now learning how to program to push things
machts jut,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat May 19 20:15:04 2007
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