On Monday 21 May 2007, david wrote:
> Michael Nelson wrote:
> > I'm interested in using a CompactFlash-to-SATA adapter, and booting
> > from a CF card. Does anyone know what the speed/reliability would
> > be like?
> I think it would be pretty slow - my CF cards seem to give only
> 5-6MB/sec transfer. Even my slowest hard drives run a LOT faster than
> that.
The new Samsung NSSD achieve much better performance: read=53MB/s,
write=30MB/s with 0.24ms access time.
> Plus - CF has a limited lifespan when it comes to writing to the
> card.
Modern SSD all use Wear Leveling to improve the lifespan, to get
actually better results than hard disks now.
The only drawback to SSD is the price: 600EUR for 32GB is not really
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Received on Mon May 21 20:15:04 2007
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