mĂĄndag 21 maj 2007 22:41 skrev lanas:
> Le Mardi, 21 Mai 2007 18:55:38 +0200,
> Bengt Gördén <bengan@email-addr-hidden> a écrit :
> > http://www.last.fm/group/Linux+Audio+Users
> Thanks for mentionning this place. I did not know of last.fm before.
> I quickly did a search on 'Isildurs Bane' and they have something. A
> place that has Isildurs Bane can't be wrong ! :-)
I've totally forgotten about them. When I lived in Halmstad Sweden I did go to
see them a few times.
> I don't know how it works but I presume it is the bands that put their
> own tunes there.
Yes. When you make an account you can upload video and audio. I haven't done
that. I just like the charts that they produce. And especially the neighbor
thing. I have found several artists through that.
> And then listeners are making a top 10s based on
> their listening frequencies. Isn't it ?
Yes. That's how I understood it. They produce a lot of charts.
But I think that last.fm suffers from very heavy load that they can't rellay
cope with. The site is some times really really slow
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