> On 5/22/07, carmen <_@email-addr-hidden-your.name> wrote:
> > On Mon May 21, 2007 at 07:49:07PM +0200, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> > > On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 10:34:37AM -0700, Ken Restivo wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Cool. How does one add an "Artist Connection"? I notice that
> > > > thorwil and Cesare have added theirs.
> > >
> > > I did? Havn't logged into my account there since months.
> >
> > same, first they deleted my group, second its impossible to submit
> songs with mplayer - theres an old patch floating around that
> segfaulted the hell out of everything...
> xmms2 has a last.fm plugin. Not sure what it does, but the plugin
> configuration asks for your login password... I assume it's meant to
> submit songs. I'll run some tests if I get 5 minutes.
Rhythmbox does also have a last.fm-plugin. It's ment for sending the
tags to the last.fm server so your profile gets updated while you
ASFAIK, you press the little (very very tiny text) saying "Upload music
and videos" under the last.fm-logo, or visit last.fm/uploadmusic/ .
- Martin
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 22 20:15:08 2007
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