Re: [LAU] MIDI connections (BCF2000 <--> ardour)

From: Kevin Cosgrove <kevinc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 24 2007 - 22:15:50 EEST

On 24 May 2007 at 18:07, "Clemens Ladisch" <cladisch@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
> > > You need to connect one of these two:
> > > BCF2000:BCF2000 MIDI 1
> > > BCF2000:BCF2000 MIDI 2
> > > to this:
> > > ardour::mcu
> >
> > Well, I tried every combination of inputs and outputs I could
> > think of, but it didn't work.
> Try "aseqdump -p BCF2000:0" to see whether any data arrives.
> If it does, there is some problem with the connection to ardour.

I just tried that, and I get Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source_ Event_________________ Ch _Data__
 28:0 Note on 0 108 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -8032
 28:0 Note on 0 107 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -8016
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7744
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7664
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7568
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7584
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7472
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7552
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7440
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7536
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7456
 28:0 Note on 0 108 0
 28:0 Note on 0 108 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7488
 28:0 Note on 0 107 0
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7440
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7392
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7312
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7216
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -7072
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6912
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6736
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6528
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6272
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6160
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6096
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6064
 28:0 Note on 0 108 0
 28:0 Note on 0 107 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -7248
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -6944
 28:0 Note on 0 108 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -6592
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6032
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -6224
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -6000
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5856
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5904
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5536
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5728
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5264
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5504
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5120
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5264
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5072
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5136
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5056
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5088
 28:0 Pitch bend 4 -5072
 28:0 Note on 0 107 0
 28:0 Note on 0 108 0
 28:0 Note on 0 104 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -7728
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -7200
 28:0 Note on 0 105 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6816
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -8128
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6592
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -7872
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6528
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -7600
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6496
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -7312
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -7088
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -6944
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -6880
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -6864
 28:0 Note on 0 104 0
 28:0 Pitch bend 1 -6896
 28:0 Note on 0 104 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6432
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6304
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -6144
 28:0 Note on 0 105 0
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -5792
 28:0 Note on 0 107 127
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -5680
 28:0 Pitch bend 3 -5200
 28:0 Pitch bend 0 -5600


So, I'll take this info back to the ardour list. Thanks much Clemens!

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Received on Fri May 25 00:15:02 2007

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