On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 21:17 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> I downloaded Dynebolik, and this has put 2 files in the directory I created
> for it.
> dyne-2.4.2.iso
> dyne-2.4.2.iso.md5
> I cd'd to the directory and ran md5sum, as below.
> [djmons@email-addr-hidden djmons]$ cd Downloads/Dynebolik
> [djmons@email-addr-hidden Dynebolik]$ md5sum dyne-2.4.2.iso
> 7526f6228ce60265f830304cd2275c7e dyne-2.4.2.iso
> [djmons@email-addr-hidden Dynebolik]$
> Question! Is this verifying that the download is ok? It's providing the
> md5sum, but is it verifying that the download of Dynebolik matches the md5
> sum file that was also downloaded.
No, it computes the MD5 checksum for the file dyne-2.4.2.iso. To check
that the file is OK, run 'md5sum -c dyne-2.4.2.iso.md5'.
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