Grame is pleased to announce the release of Faust
Faust is a functional programming language for real-time signal
processing and synthesis that targets high-performance audio processing
applications and plugins. The Faust compiler translates Faust programs
into optimized C++ code for a variety of audio platforms : Jack, Alsa,
OSS, Ladspa, VST, MaxMSP, Q, PD, SuperCollider, etc.
What's new ?
- Pattern Matching : introduction of pattern matching based definitions,
a powerful programming technique used in many modern functional
programming languages like Q, Haskell, ML, CAML, Clean, etc.
- Support for QT4 applications : two new architecture files have been
added to generate native QT4 applications : jack-qt.cpp and alsa-qt.cpp.
Use 'make jackqt' and 'make alsaqt' in the examples folder to generate
QT4 applications.
- Improved GTK support : all GTK architecture files have been updated to
correct the reversed vertical slider issue.
- 64-bits compatibility : the Faust compiler and the generated C++ code
are now fully 64-bits compatible.
- Improved Max/Msp support : the compilation process has been
simplified. It now directly uses gcc instead of xcode projects. It is
based on Max/MSP 4.6 SDK and generates universal binary .mxo on Intel
We are grateful to all the contributors of this new release, with a
special mention to A. Graef for the implementation of the Pattern
Matching extension.
Useful links :
Web site :
Download :
Y. Orlarey
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 29 00:15:08 2007
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Tue May 29 2007 - 00:15:09 EEST