Re: [LAU] Whysynth and MIDI channels

From: Sean Bolton <musound@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 29 2007 - 20:35:20 EEST

On May 27, 2007, at 1:09 PM, lanas wrote:
> How can we assign a different MIDI channel than 1 to WhySynth ? I
> didn't find the option.

This is not a function of WhySynth, but rather of the DSSI
host you are using.

With jack-dssi-host, it is not (now) possible to reassign
the MIDI channel.

With ghostess, use the '-chan' command line option, e.g.
'ghostess -chan 3'. Note that ghostess numbers
its channels starting from 0, so that example would cause it
to listen on what most people call channel 4.... ;-)

Hope that helps,


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Received on Wed May 30 00:15:03 2007

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