On 6/8/07, Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm considering entering some of my music in an international
> competition. However, the organization accepts scores only in one of the
> three formats indicated in the subject line. Thus, I need to find
> someone who has one or more of those apps and can help recast my lovely
> LilyPond scores into an acceptable format. I doubt there's a nice simple
> LP-to-proprietary-format conversion utility, so is there anyone here who
> can advise and/or assist me in the conversion process ?
I use Finale Allegro and Geniesoft Overture... will either of those
work? Not sure how we can go about converting them other than getting
a MIDI version of the your score and importing in and then touching up
the stuff as needed to match the LilyPond layout.
-- Brett
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden;
If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 8 20:15:02 2007
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