On 6/19/07, Jan Depner <eviltwin69@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Tim,
> I've been thinking about trying out some of the VST stuff. Can you
> direct me to some information on how to get it working under Linux? I
> know I'll need Wine but that's about the extent of my knowledge.
> Jan
Basically, the way I got VSTs to work is as follows:
Install WINE (I used the FC5 RPMs)
Download the VST SDK (not exactly sure where this is now, but I can
get you the ZIP file if you need it...)
Download the latest Ardour source tarball
Copy the VST SDK zip into ardour-*/lib/fst (or something like that)
Compile Ardour with the VST=1 flag
Then, you place your VST DLLs in /usr/local/lib/vst, and that's it.
When Ardour starts up, it will "check out" the VSTs in this folder.
Having weird/dysfunctional VSTs can prevent Ardour from starting up,
so it's a good idea to load them in one at a time.
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Received on Wed Jun 20 04:15:03 2007
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