Re: [LAU] Steinway_IMIS2 soundfont

From: Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 03 2007 - 00:28:58 EEST

El Martes, 3 de Julio de 2007 00:16, Adam Sampson escribi�:
 | Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica@email-addr-hidden> writes:
 | > A 75mb Steinway Piano Soundfont made with Swami for the Freepats
 | > project
 | Very nice! (Although I also found the panning a bit confusing, since
 | it's got left and right reversed from the pianist's perspective...)
 | Here's a song using it:

Hey, it's a really nice song, I was listening to it 20 times or so, I will
show it to my friends.

Some technical questions:

* midi controller (midi keyboard)?

* mic and mixer console?

* software? did you added some reverb? (it seems not)

* why didnt you used a gate for the voice channel?

Also: do you feel that the FF layer should start sounding at lower MIDI
velocities, I mean, when you press the keyboard with lesser power? (sorry
about my english)

Do you think that the MF layer should sound brighter?

Do you think it needs a PP layer?

BTW: where are you from?

BTW2: I like short nights ;) Now here in Argentina the sun is down at 18hs and
it's a little bit sad.



      #    Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de               
      #   Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre para artistas      
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You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw
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Received on Tue Jul 3 08:15:01 2007

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