Point well taken Chuckk!
I just had to say something tho :-)
Perspective has a bit to do with it all too... Years back I thought Eric
Clapton was really smooth with his recording of 'I'm So Glad' on the 'Fresh
Cream' album... That is until I got a copy of the original recording by Skip
James... Clapton is still 'smooth' but Skip was/is edgy, gutsy and had
heart... All the difference between a stack of amps and a single 'flat top',
an artist and a mic... Less can be better... at least for me...
It just angers me to hear this stuff from the likes of Elton John... Sorry
but I have known, personally, so many guys that have long since passed on
that had more gut for music than than he ever could buy... My first band...
every single member except myself have long since died... Nothing great
about any of us but he had our moments... We did it because we loved it...
never made any money... made a few folks happy I guess...
Personally I have my little studio set up for me... don't plan to release
anything because I am sure everyone would quicky realize I am 'past it'...
Reality does hit a person in the face like a brick... There's a song there
somewhere I am sure <heh> blues too...
Reality is like a brick to the face... hmmm... goodbye yellow brick road???
Have a good one...!!!
vince (melting from the heat in Maine)
On Thursday 02 August 2007 17:17, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By-cF0W2JLw
> I think this stuff needs to come back.
> I've noticed that some of the technology opens the way for lots of
> mediocrity. But I equate that with democracy. There's still great stuff
> made, and the institution of art/music doesn't belong to anyone. There was
> lots of putrid rock put out in the 60's and 70's that was quickly
> forgotten. I guess the technology of guitar amps and Moog synths really
> killed creativity.
> But really, Elton mouths off about random stuff on a regular basis. In my
> professional estimation, he doesn't really care either way. People say
> crap like that sitting in all-night diners in the middle of nowhere and who
> cares; this is just the same deal but from someone who used to be
> "important."
> -Chuckk
> On 8/2/07, Vince Werber <ka1iic@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Hi folks...
> >
> > Sorry but I need to rant...
> >
> > On a lark I surfed over to Matt Drudge's web site (www.drudgereport.com)
> > to
> > see if there was anything new on the ASCAP lawsuits and lo and behold...
> > There is a story about Sir Elton wanting to shut down the web because he
> > thinks the web music people are in some way causing a problem with
> > music...
> >
> > You know of whom he speaks... those of us that set up home studios and do
> > our
> > recordings at home or where ever... this is a problem? Interacting is
> > important I agree with Mr. Outhouse but... it's not like the music isn't
> > being shared... right? And input is received...
> >
> > You read it if you like... you may read it different but...
> >
> > Sounds like Mr. Pennyhouse is doing sour grapes because his last album
> > sales
> > were... errr dismal... I thought his first album was a loser but that's
> > just me... He inspires like a hot Vicks enema...
> >
> > Or maybe he gave a listen to some of the web music people and realized
> > how much better they were doing than he... It could happen... I am sure
> > even he
> > could, with a little help from his friend "Rocketman", learn to use a
> > computer too... also... too also... :^O
> >
> > End of 'official' rant... <heh>
> >
> > have a good day and a better tomorrow!!!
> >
> > vince (a.k.a. the old crank) in Maine
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