Thorsten Wilms wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 03:48:37PM -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:
>Great singing, guitar, harp, just that stumbling drum fill
>bothers me a bit ;)
Thanks for your comments, Thorsten, I'm glad you liked the performance.
About those drums: This was my first attempt sequencing audio loops.
"Sequencing" to me has always meant MIDI sequencing, but of course the
term now extends to the modern concept of audio/MIDI sequencing. So, in
order to stay ahead of my students, I decided to try sequencing some
drum loops and writing a song around the resulting pattern. I made some
interesting mistakes: for example, I have to use "snap to bar" and not
to the region end in Ardour, else the loops gradually get out of sync
with the metronome (I naively assumed the loops were neatly trimmed to
exact bar lengths).
I wasn't going to keep the "stumbling" measure, but it reminds me of the
kind of thing my drummer would do to keep me awake during the wee hours
of a gig. It usually occurs after we've had a "discussion" on our break
out in his van...
>Oh, and the lack of an intro, everything starting at once
>is a bit odd, but ok.
More weirdness. After constructing the drum pattern my original plan was
to record a simple instrumental. Then words popped into my head, then I
was singing, then I realized the pattern was too short for intro and
outro sections, so I just said "WTF" and worked with what I had. Maybe
I'll lengthen the whole thing, maybe not. The recording really only
serves the purpose of giving me something to show to my bandmates for
them to learn the tune, so it's not nearly so completely constructed as
a live performance would make it. But sometimes I just get carried away
with Ardour...
Did that make any sense ? ;-)
>Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for listening (again).
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Received on Wed Aug 8 16:15:04 2007
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