"Hector Centeno" <hcengar@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> Hi,
> I just built and installed Jack_Mixer using Fedora 7. I can't get it to run
> and I get this error message:
> $ jack_mixer
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/local/bin/jack_mixer", line 22, in <module>
> import jack_mixer_c
> ImportError: No module named jack_mixer_c
> Searching for the file I found this:
> $ sudo find /usr/local -name "jack_mixer*"
> /usr/local/share/jack_mixer
> /usr/local/share/jack_mixer/jack_mixer.glade
> /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/jack_mixer_c.py
> /usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/jack_mixer.schemas
> /usr/local/bin/jack_mixer.py
> /usr/local/bin/jack_mixer
> Is it a problem with a Python environment variable?
> Thanks!
> Hector
This is mostly caused by a problem that is fixed in svn and thus will be
in upcoming release (6). So far changes we be:
* Fix building against jack 0.102.20
* Handle python prefix different from install prefix (defect you have
been probably been hit by)
* Fix LASH-less operation
* Update install instructions after lash-0.5.3 release
You could try one of these:
use /usr as prefix (assuming your python is installed in /usr)
checkout latest svn and try it, thus verifying jack_mixer-6 (and
hopefully any future versions) will work for you.
wait for jack_mixer-6
if you feel brave - try to workaround problem by tweaking python module
search path
Please provide further feedback about your experience with jack_mixer!
-- Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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